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Architekturzeichnung des geplanten CARDDIAB-Gebäudes

This is what it will look like: visualisation of the CARDDIAB building

Skizze der Eingangshalle

Future entrance area with information desk


CARDiovascular Research in DIABetes

The CARDDIAB research building will be constructed on the grounds of Düsseldorf University Hospital by 2024 and will provide a shared environment for scientists from the fields of metabolic, diabetes and cardiovascular research. CARDDIAB will focus on preclinical and clinical experimental research that will be translated into patient care and societal benefits.

Cardiovascular diseases already have the highest morbidity and mortality risk today – and the trend is rising. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic disease worldwide. Both disease areas show striking similarities, not only in terms of their prevalence, causality and consequences, but also in terms of specific pathological abnormalities, dysfunction and progression. Therefore, innovative, interdisciplinary research is of urgent medical, social and economic interest in order to improve care.

The causes and consequences of an abnormal interplay between the cardiovascular system and glucose metabolism in early, advanced and late forms in humans will be investigated. The aims of the project are to develop new concepts to keep the population healthy as well as tailored therapies for at-risk groups and severely ill patients.

Photo of© UKD
  • Dr. Stefanie Kluge
  • +49 211 81-04639

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